With loadbalancing/failover support for up to 250 wan\\ interfaces, connection tracking and an easy to manage traffic ruleset.\\ \\ Installed size : 21kB Dependencies : libc, ip, ipset, iptables, ip6tables, iptables-mod-conntrack-extra, iptables-mod-ipopt, jshn Categories : network-routing-and-redirection Repositories : community-packages Architectures : aarch64_cortex-a53, aarch64_cortex-a72, aarch64_generic, arc_archs, arm_arm1176jzf-s_vfp, arm_arm926ej-s, arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4, arm_cortex-a5_vfpv4, arm_cortex-a7, arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4, arm_cortex-a8_vfpv3, arm_cortex-a9, arm_cortex-a9_neon, arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16, arm_fa526, arm_mpcore, arm_xscale, i386_pentium4, mips64_octeonplus, mips_24kc, mips_4kec, mips_mips32, mipsel_24kc, mipsel_24kc_24kf, mipsel_74kc, mipsel_mips32, powerpc_464fp, powerpc_8540, x86_64 OpenWrt release : OpenWrt-22.03.0 File size : 22kB License : GPL-2. OpenWrt Packages aarch64cortex-a72 Official mwan32.10.13-1all. Description: LuCI support for the MWAN3 MultiWAN Manager\\ \\.

Name : mwan3 Version : 2.11.7-1 Description : Hotplug script which makes configuration of multiple WAN interfaces simple\\ and manageable. : 5.9 KB: Tue Dec 22 13:39:17 2020: : 6.5 KB: Tue Dec 22 13:39:18 2020: : 5.4 KB: Tue Dec 22 13:39:18 2020: : 4.3 KB: Tue Dec 22. OpenWrt luci-app-passwall.ipk Unknown package luci-app-passwall.